Thursday, November 24, 2011
VTEM MP3 For Joomla
An overview of VTEM MP3 module key features:
- Joomla! 1.5, 1.6 or 1.7 Native.
- Content control display from any Directory or URLs.
- Defines the initial muted state.
- Easy text, background color styles for user configuration.
- Defines the initial volume as a value from 0 to 1.
- Clean (X)HTML in content.
- Easy and friendly administration.
- Tableless CSS design and XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0 valid.
- Automatically play the music
- • Used javascript Framework: Jquery
- Fully compatible: Firefox, IE6+, Opera 9.5+, Safari, Netscape, Google Chrome, Camino, Flock 0.7+.
This post was written by: WorldClause
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